Dark Game Studio


Dark GAME Studio is a special compilation of game making tools that makes creating your own PC games easier than ever. 
This easy to learn BASIC programming language enables you to program your own games and is packed with a wide range of tools that allows you to easily incorporate all of the special features and effects you see in today's games. Using BASIC commands you quickly load and animate 3D objects, play sounds and add music.

A comprehensive 3d engine supporting shaders, texture effects, stereoscopic 3d, multiple cameras and much more multi-player gaming commands expandable with add-on command sets such as physics and ai.

This established game programming tool has been updated and improved and features a new IDE that

helps you organize your game code and manage all the complex media expected of today's projects.

Dark GAME Studio Includes:

  • DarkBasic Professional
  • DarkVOICES
  • DarkMATTER
  • DarkSHADER
  • TreeMagik [ G2 and G3 ]
  • Plant Life

Trial Software on Disc:

  • Fps Creator Demo
  • Physics Demo
  • Beyond Life (FPS Creator game)
  • ProMotion 5.1
  • Leadwerks 3D WorldStudio

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