FPS Creator Studio


Build FPS games with ease We're quite rightly very proud of the game building environment we have created for you. Gone is the tedious task of hollowing out cubes just to make a room, or having to know a programming language inside out. Our fully graphical Windows based editor allows you to literally paint your maps with pixel perfect 3D precision and create great looking scenes in minutes. And when you've got things placed where you want them you can drop in weapons, enemies, objectives, trigger zones, customise the loading screens, create your own AI scripts, draw some waypoint paths, set-up some gorgeous lighting effects and then a single click of the mouse will turn it all into an EXE file you can pass to your friends.

  • Create First Person Shooter games quickly and easily
  • Open design allows for endless possibilities
  • Use intelligent building blocks to create game levels
  • Hundreds of 3D Objects included
  • No programming necessary

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